- GPSS Master Student ZHENG Hao Wins the Outstanding Student Poster Award from the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)
- Sustainable Society Design Center hosted Seminar on War and Conservation: Approaching Sustainability Challenges
- GPSS-GLI Alumnus Prof. Warathida Chaiyapa Delivers Lecture on Bottom-Up Climate Policy Advocacy
- GPSS Researchers Publish Study on ICTs for Sustainable Food Systems in South Africa
- GPSS Doctoral Student Publish a Study on Coastal Defense Strategies for Climate Change
- プログラム名が「 サステイナビリティ学大学院プログラム」に変わりました
- The international symposium "Towards sustainable and inclusive society: Visualizing diverse values of Nature" by Sustainable Society Design Center on October 11
- Field Exercise in Sustainability Science (FESS Kashiwanoha) 2021-2022: The Kashiwanoha Monogatari (柏の葉物語) Smart City Stories from Our Town Cultural Mapping Project